

Buzzwords such as Culture, Work-Life Balance, and Team Approach appear in most CPA Firm career pages.  What is important is how these ideas are implemented within the firm with which you choose to make a career. 

Our Culture is one of respect and open communication.  Our partners and managers have an open-door policy and they truly welcome questions and ideas.  One area where you can quickly see our Culture is how projects are handed off between Team Members.  Our Team Members are free to create the approach to be taken.  If you prefer to be handed a road map of how the project can be completed, we accommodate your learning and working preferences to help you grow at a pace that is comfortable tfor you.

Work-Life Balance is a core value at Boerio.  We offered remote and hybrid work arrangements long before the pandemic forced it as a main stay.  Our audit manager, Brad Beach, has led the way with a hybrid position and is now fully remote.  Many staff members choose to work from home one or two days a week to accommodate childcare and family obligations.  The best example of the Firm's commitment to Work-Life Balance was when a Tax Manager first started with Boerio and the Firm allowed a flexible schedule for him to be with his family during the birth of his first grandson. 

Boerio offers true flex-scheduling, allowing staff to create a work schedule that best fits their needs with unlimited paid time off, as long as they meet their chargeable hours plan.  Team Members post their expected schedules to a calendar and workers are requested to have between 2 to 4 hours overlap of their scheduled hours to the main offices hours of 8:30AM to 5:30 PM (Pacific Time).


Remote workers will be considered for all positions.  We ask remote candidates to plan on working in the main office for a week or two during their first month working with the Firm to receive hands-on training, meet the other Team Members face-to-face, and acquire their work laptop and related equipment.  We ask all remote members to be available for temporary assignments in the main office or at a client's location if necessary.  

Direct applicants only, no recruiters.


Tax Manager

Sr. Tax Associate

Tax Associate

7655 Redwood Blvd., Suite 100, Novato, CA 94945